sábado, 26 de marzo de 2016

Audios 2: Romance del niño torpe

Casi por casualidad llega a nosotros este poema infantil titulado "Romance del niño torpe" escrito por el ubriqueño "Lars Carrasco". A los pocos días hemos realizado la grabación de dicho texto que a continuación presentamos y que esperamos os guste, sobretodo a los más pequeños.


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Texto: "Romance del niño torpe"
Autor: Lars Carasco
Voz: Nino
Música de fondo: Mozart: Piano Concerto nº 14 in E-Flat Mayor, K.449 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Christoph Soldan, Silesian Chamber Soloists.
Grabación: DBP-Nino. Ubrique (Cádiz). Marzo 2016

Si deseáis descargarlo, a continuación tenéis el enlace a la web archive.org donde está alojado:


Dibujo a carboncillo - nº17 (Nino)

Versión inglesa:


-Son,you have to learn,
You have to go to school.
-Mom, I don’t want to go,
I like bowling better.
Snail,littel snail,
Show the sun your tentacles!
 A trading card of a wild boar,
Wild boar, pimpim, pampam!
 I’m not going to school anymore!
And atrading card of a hummingbird,
Hummingbird, pimpim, pampam!
I never go to class!

Caracol, caracolí,
Pampam, pampam,
Pimpim, pimpim!
A la escuela no voy más.

- My son, if you don’t study,
You’ll be punshed by your grandma
And she won’t read you tales
You won’t neither play wheel.

Mom, I’m a clumsy child,
I’m like a gazelle,
Chased by tiger
On a full moon night.

Although he said he wasn’t going,
He did go to school after all:
All together made fun of
The poor young man.

The other kids,
Gave the child a nickname,
They said to him whith cruel mockery:
You just talk like a dumb.

The teacher called him
Also dunb whith a big joke,
And  the others were laughing.
And he was sinking into reluctance.

-Son,you have to learn,
You have ton go school.
-Mon, I don’t want to go,
I like bowling better.
    Snail, snail, snail,
Schow the sun your antennas!
A card of a wild boar,
Wild boar, pimpim, pampam!
I’m not going to school anymore!
And a card of a hummingbird,
Hummingbird, pimpim,pampam!
I never go to class!

Caracol, caracolín,
Pampam, pampam,
A la escuela no voy más.

The rest were smarter:
He cried and cried and cried and cried
Seeing that he was nothing,
Just pure carnival.

He fell in love with a girl
Sick at  heart
But she only loved
The smartest and most seductive boy.

And the dreaded exams
Arrived in the spring:
They all passed but
Not him. What a soap opera!

His beloved would go away
Wiht the hearbreaker
To a higher school!
She said goodbye to her loves!

And it was a good thing
The summer break was coming
With the torrid heat
And frog jumps and toad jumps.

-Son, you have to leart,
You have to go to school.
-Mom, I don’t want to go,
I like bowling better.
Snail, little snail.
Show the sun your tentacles!
And  trading card of a wild boar,
Wild boar, pimpim, pampam!
I’m no going to school anymore!
And a trading card of a hummingbird,
Hummingbird, pimpim, pampam,
I never go to class!

Pampam, pampam,
A la escuela no voy más

The course started in September,
And again, the routine,
And, despite everything, the child
He worked hard every day.

The new generation
Who was studying with the boy
Was youger than him:
That was worse for Benito.

That was the boy’s name,
That everyone was making fun of,
Sad paper boy,
That he had no hope.

In the end, the dumb boy,
Didn’t make it very far,
But  he read a lot of books
With a few verses.

Learing is never bad,
And it was worth it:
Today at least he knows
To read and write poems.

-Son, you have to learn,
You have togo to school.
-Mom, I want to go now,
I don`t like bowling anymore.
Snail, littel snail,
Show the sun your tentacles!
A trading card of a wild boar,
Wild boar, pimpim, pampam!
Go to school and study
And trading card of a hummingbird,
Hummingbird, pimpim, pampam!
Go to school...and progress!
I learn to read in class,

Pampam, pampam,
A la escuela no voy más
I learn English and how to write.
I’ll always go to school! 


This children’s poem dedicated to all the children who were bullied at school, during the Franco regime, by teachers who were addicted to Franco’s authoritarian regime, especially the poor children.and I also dedicate it to the teachers who were not related to the fascist regime.

I also  dedicate it to Daniel Radcliffe( Harry Potter),
Who suffers from dyspraxia or clumsy child syndrome. And I also dedicated it to all the children in the world suffer from Dyspraxia.